A Chrome extension that utilizes a Language Learning Model (LLM) to provide contextual insights during web browsing.
Occupancy FLEP
Enhancing Room Occupancy Information @EPFL
A web application to enhance the room occupancy information at EPFL.
Analyzing EPFL Restaurant Menus
From Data Scraping to EDA and Network Visualization
Analyzing EPFL Restaurant Menus from Data Scraping to Network Visualization using Python and D3.js, while performing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Automation with GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions Scraping
Automating scraping with GitHub Actions
Running a scraping script on a schedule with GitHub Actions
EPFL GraphSociative
Visualizing EPFL's Associative Network
Scraping the EPFL LDAP to visualize the associative network of EPFL using D3.js
RSS Trends
Finding Topics in French News using RSS Feeds
Analyzing RSS feeds from major French media outlets to create a Text Network depicting news trends and connections between most frequent terms.